Wraparound Care
‘Toasties’ Breakfast Club
‘Toasties’ is a breakfast club for children from Year R to Year 6. The club operates in the same room as ‘Muskateers' After School Activity Club’ which some of you may be familiar with.
The club runs from 7.30 am – 8.30 am each morning and is lead by Mrs. Kitcher assisted by Mrs Neary, Mrs Troon and Mrs Birkett
The children have a wide range of nutritious breakfasts available over the week.
If your child is eligible for Free School Meals / Pupil Premium, we are able to offer them a free place in the Breakfast Club. Places need to be booked in advance.
Registration forms and further information about the club is available from the school office or you can register for a place via the link below.
Breakfast Club Registration Form
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeN4v0y77XQqI7wzg_Qw0K_eeLDX7UM82J1bQuIgo0k1qZjbg/viewformMusketeers After School Club
We are an After School Activity Club operating at Bitterne CE Primary School. We are based predominantly in the music room in KS2 but also have access to several other areas within the school, including the hall and the outside play areas. We aim to offer top quality care and a happy, safe warm, rich stimulating play environment for school children aged 4-11 years to play, learn and develop freely.
- Our opening times are 3.15pm-5.45pm, Monday - Friday, term time only.
- Our contact telephone number is 07551684470.
- Children may attend from 1-5 sessions each week.
If you are interested in your child attending, then please do not hesitate to call and speak to either Karen Duggan or Lorraine McIntyre, and we can arrange for a convenient time with you to visit us to discuss further and complete any necessary forms.
You can also download a copy of the registration forms from the links below.
Parent Information Pack
Safeguarding Policy
After School Activity Clubs
Every child at our school has the opportunity to participate in a number of clubs run by both the school and external providers to give them a wider range of experiences and opportunities.
Please see the overview below for the range of activities we have on offer. If you would like to book a place at any of the clubs, please contact the club provider. Contact details for the club are on the second page of the document.
The exit for all clubs (except Lego Club) is via Peartree Gate. The club leader will open the gate at the exit time.
Lego Club will exit from the Year 2 classroom by the main reception area.