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Phonics and Early Reading



We are dedicated to providing our pupils with a strong foundation in phonics and early reading. Our approach is rooted in our school's core values of love, trust, and forgiveness, ensuring that every child receives the support and guidance they need to become confident and capable readers.

Pip and Pap Phonics Programme

In January 2025, we launched our systematic synthetic phonics programme, Pip and Pap Phonics, which is closely aligned with the structure of the Letters and Sounds (2007) framework. This programme focuses on developing both reading and writing skills, guiding our pupils through four distinct phases of study: Orange Phase, Pink Phase, Green Phase, and Purple Phase.

Phonics Instruction and Intervention

Our pupils in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1) engage in a daily 30-minute phonics session, where they are taught in mixed-year groups based on their individual progress. This targeted approach ensures that each child receives the support they need to master the phonemes and graphemes introduced in each phase.

For pupils who may be struggling, we provide same-day intervention to revisit the taught sound of the day, as well as additional planned phonics interventions to help them catch up. Our commitment means that we leave no child behind, working tirelessly to ensure that every pupil develops the essential reading skills they need to succeed.

Decodable Books and Vocabulary Development

The books used in our phonics lessons are fully decodable, aligning with the phonemes and graphemes the children have learned. This allows our pupils to practice their blending and segmenting skills, building confidence and fluency in their reading. Additionally, we introduce "Earth words" - non-decodable words - in our phonics lessons to further enhance our pupils' vocabulary development.

Parental Engagement and Continuous Support

We believe that the partnership between school and home is crucial for the success of our pupils. We encourage parents to read daily with their children, practising the sounds and re-reading books to improve fluency. In addition to what the school provide, parents and carers can access resources through the Family Hub on the Pip and Pap website, where there are a wealth of resources available to families.

Pip and Pap Phases

  Orange Phase Pink Phase Green Phase Purple Phase


s a t p i n

m d g o c k ck

e u r h b

f ff l ll ss

j v w x y

z zz qu ch tch

sh th ng

ai ee eer igh

oa oo ar or ur er

ow oi ear air ure

ay ou ie ea oy

ir aw ue wh ph

ew oe au ey

a-e e-e i-e oe u-e

Alternative pronunciations for graphemes already known: a, e, i, o, u, ou, ie, ea, y, ch, g, c, ey


Alternative spellings for phonemes already known: -ture, -ge, -dge, -mb, kn, gn, st, se, wr, o, al, ere, ear, are, oor, our, oar, ore, augh, ci, ti, si, ui, -ve, -le, sc, ce, eigh

Earth Words

I, the, to, no ,go 

he, she. we. me, be, you, her, my, they, all ,are, was, some, come, do, so, out, one, said, were, when, have, like. little oh, Mr, Mrs, people, called, looked, could, should, asked, their, would, today, by, where, your, school, house, here, love, once, friend, put, push, pull, full beautiful, busy, sugar, eye, hour, pretty, water, many, because, through, thought, who, whole, laugh, improve, shoe, double

 Curriculum Booklet

Click on the image below to read our curriculum booklet.

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