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Hello from Bitterne Friends United!

Bitterne Friends United is the name of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) for the school.  We are a group of volunteer parents and carers who dedicate some of our spare time to raising funds for the school. Money we raise goes towards improving the school environment and supporting the school to purchase resources to improve and enhance the children's education. It also subsidises school trips and helps fund the extras that the children otherwise wouldn’t have, such as ice lollies on Sports Day, Easter gifts and crackers and decorations for the Christmas lunch plus more.

Our fundraising events are held regularly throughout the year and include discos, quizzes, our Summer and Christmas Fayres, non-uniform days and cake sales etc.

Friends isn't always about making money. Our main aim is to include everyone, from children and  teachers to friends and families, to ensure we have fun and have an element of good community spirit. We always welcome new faces and anyone who feels they would like to help in any way is welcome to come along to one of our informal meetings.

Please join our group on Facebook to receive more updates


You can contact Bitterne Friends through the School office, via our Facebook page or via email:


PTA Portal Link: 
