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Mental Health and Wellbeing


At our school, we prioritise the mental health and well-being of both pupils and staff, fostering a supportive and caring environment. We invest in well-being initiatives, resources, and training to ensure everyone feels valued and supported. By promoting emotional resilience, we help our community thrive academically, socially, and personally.

PAThS Curriculum - Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies

To support and promote children's mental health and wellbeing, we deliver the PAThS curriculum which is taught from Year R through to Year 6.  PAThS covers a range of skills to encourage children to problem solve and think of strategies for themselves. It teachers children to recognise and understand different feelings and how to cope with them, whilst providing calming down techniques if they are angry or upset. 

Take a look at the 'PAThS Education UK' website for more information by clicking on the image below. 

PAThS is becoming an integral part of the school, complementing our Christian values of love, trust and forgiveness and our learning behaviours. 

Pupil of the Day

Each day a child is picked randomly from each class to be the PAThS child of the day, where they will receive compliments from their friends and school adults during the day. They will bring these compliments home to share with their families. We would encourage parents and carers to add compliments to the postcard they bring home.

PAThS Lessons

The children take part in a weekly PAThS lesson. The lessons aim to develop skills such as:

  • emotional awareness
  • language of emotions
  • self-control
  • developing positive peer relationships
  • calming down strategies

Each week the children bring home learning to completed linked to their PAThS lesson. We encourage parents to complete the learning at home with their child, as they would do for English and maths.

Staff Experts

Members of staff are trained in the delivery of the PAThS curriculum and share this training with other adults in school. The lead adults for PAThS are:

Mrs Bailey - PAThS Leader

Mr Hunter - PAThS Lead HLTA

More Information

To find out more information about the PAThS curriculum, please click on the links below:

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant - ELSA

At our school, we are proud to offer Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) provision, designed to support children’s emotional well-being and social development. Our trained ELSAs, Mrs. Sam Macey and Mrs. Barbara Clayton, work with pupils who may need help managing their emotions, building self-esteem, developing social skills, or coping with challenging situations.

ELSA sessions provide a safe and nurturing environment where children can explore their feelings and develop strategies to manage them effectively. These sessions are tailored to individual needs, ensuring every child feels heard and supported.

If you feel your child would benefit from ELSA support, please contact Mrs. Clare Bailey, our Inclusion Leader, to discuss your concerns and explore the support available. Together, we are committed to helping every child feel confident, valued, and ready to succeed in all areas of school life.

Mental Health in School Team - MHST

Our school works closely with the Mental Health in Schools Team (MHST) to support the well-being of our pupils. The MHST provides expert guidance, early intervention, and tailored support to help children manage emotional challenges and build resilience. By collaborating with this dedicated team, we ensure every child receives the care they need. If you feel your child may benefit from this support, please contact Mrs. Amy Davies, who can provide more information and support with referrals.

Mental Health Support Team

We have a team of adults in school who lead on supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and staff.

  • Mrs Clare Bailey - Senior Assistant Headteacher
  • Mrs Clare Horan - Business Manager and Senior Mental Health Leader
  • Mrs Amy Davies - Family Support Officer
  • Mrs Sam Macey - ELSA
  • Mrs Barbara Clayton - ELSA
  • Mr Luke Hunter - HTLA Lead for PAThS Curriculum