SEND Information, Inclusion & School Accesibility Plan

We are a very inclusive school and work hard to make sure all children make progress throughout the school. Some children may need some support for their learning, emotional and behavioural needs. We work closely with specialist outside agencies, when this is appropriate.


We liaise very closely with parents, your child's previous school or preschool when a child with special needs starts at the school. If you have any concerns or would just like to talk through your child's individual needs, Mrs. Bailey our Inclusion Leader would be more than happy to arrange to meet at a convenient time. 


If you have any concerns over the SEND provision for your child in school, please do speak to Mrs Bailey (Inclusion Leader) in the first instance, and we will work with you to resolve any issues . Parents should refer to the complaints policy in the policy section on the website where any SEND concerns are not resolved.

Our Inclusion Team
Clare Bailey Assistant Head - Inclusion Leader
Natalie Gear Assistant Inclusion Leader
Samantha Wicheard Assistant Inclusion Leader
Louise Herring Inclusion Admin Support Officer

SEND information for Special Educational Needs and Disability.


Bitterne CE Primary School is a large mainstream primary school educating 420 children. We have a low percentage of children on our special educational needs (SEN) register.  For further details please click below:-

SEND School Information Report - Bitterne CE Primary School September 2023-2024
School Information Report Sep 2023 to 20[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [390.6 KB]
SEND Policy 2023-2024
SEND Policy 2023-24.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [333.1 KB]
Southampton Information Advice Leaflet
Southampton Information Advice Service.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [270.4 KB]
Dyslexia Parent Information
Dyslexia Parent Information.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [370.5 KB]


Please also visit Southampton City Council's website via the link below for further information on SEND and local offer.

School Accessibility Plan

At Bitterne Ce Primary School we work hard to ensure that every child and adult in school is treated equally regardless of any disability.  The School Accessibility Plan (copy available on the link below) set out the duty of the Governing Body to:

  • not treat disabled pupils less favourably for a reason related to their impairment;
  • make reasonable adjustments for disable pupils, so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage;
  • plan to increase access to education for disabled pupils.

The second document below is the school's Single Equality Policy.  It also includes our equality plan and this links with our termly Raising Achievement Plan (RAP).


If you are a parent and you have any questions related to your child's Special Educational Needs or Disability provision in school, please contact Mrs Bailey (Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion).


School Accessibility Plan Sept 2020 - Sept 2023
School Accessibility Plan BPS Sep 2020- [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [208.8 KB]
Single Equality Policy 2022-2023
Single Equality Policy BPS 2020-2021.doc[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [425.2 KB]

In order to reach us

Bitterne CE Primary School

Brownlow Avenue


SO19 7BX

Telephone Number

023 80499494


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© Bitterne CE Primary School